Masuk ke usia 30, masuk juga gw ke kehidupan seperti Carrie Bradshaw. Yeap, belum menikah, karir lumayan, ngabisin uang buat hobi (Bradshaw dengan sepatu sepatunya, gw dengan fandom-fandom gw), menghadapi dilema antara being a complicated woman dan mencoba untuk merubah karakter menjadi lebih fleksibel saat adaptasi dengan pasangan, dan berada di antara lingkungan pertemanan yang sudah mulai disibukkan dengan keluarga dan anak-anaknya.
Soal lingkungan, oh I do feel like Carrie and Samantha when Miranda have a baby. We all still love each other with our best friends, but we are just no longer in the same frequency as we used to be.
Yang terutama saat ini gw jalanin adalah soal pertanyaan pertanyaan yang berkecamuk di benak Carrie soal what it is inside man's brain, and what is right or what is wrong about what we do and what we believe.
Carrie mah enak, pertanyaannya kemudian jadi kolom dan berakhir jadi buku. Lah gw? Anyway. Those same questions that Carrie's ask, are the same questions I have exactly right now. Cuma bedanya, Carrie menjalaninya sama Big, Aidan, Berger etc, while me, only one guy, recaping all of those.
What is right and what is wrong. Am I right, and am I wrong. But the final conclusion is, Carrie is finally end up back with Big. How about me?
Seemed like my seasons are just started, I will have so many more questions in years ahead. I hope I will have the answers soon enough, not as long as her though.
Right now all I can say is just, "Carrie Bradshaw, I feel you now".
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